John White Alexander

Juan Araujo

Fabrizio Arrieta

Delia Brown

Ford Madox Brown

Leonora Carrington

Mary Cassatt

Leonora Carrington

Michele Giambono

Jenna Gribbon 

Quintessa Matranga

Edward Hopper

Frederic Leighton

Daniele Milvio 

Mario Moore

Edvard Munch

Clayton Schiff 

Maaike Schoorel 

Georges Seurat

Cynthia Talmadge 

Constance Tenvik 

Vincent van Gogh 

Maire Denise Villers 

Julius von Leypold 

Huang Yanyan 

Jakob Julian Ziolkowski 


When you scroll down on the landing page the visitor will find a short abstract of the show and on the bottom is a line “Enter the Exhibition” this will take you straight into the galleries. When you scroll down on the landing page the visitor will find a short abstract of the show and on the bottom is a line “Enter the Exhibition” this will take you straight into the galleries.